Automatic Gain Control or AGC
is a circuit design which maintain the same level of amplification for sound or
radio frequency. If the signal is too low the AGC circuit will increase
(amplify) the level and if is to high will lower it to maintain a constant
level as possible. The Automatic Gain Control principle is widely use in AM
receivers and sometimes AGC is called an compressor-expander because it acts
just like one.
On the site you can find some AGC schematics, just use the seach box.
On the site you can find some AGC schematics, just use the seach box.
Mic preamplifier with AGC
This audio compander circuit
schematic is equiped with NE575 produced by Signetics, it is working with a 3 –
7V battery and has a current consumption of 3.5mA at 3V and 5mA at 7V. The companding process ( input compression,
output as expander) is improving
the signal/noise ratio on a communication line.
NE575 contains 2 ic’s , pins 1
to 9 works as expander and the 11 to 19 pins can work as expander or compressor or automatic load control ( ALC ).
NE575 has a a high input sensitivity, the maximum input level is 1.5Vef. Thiscompander covers a frequency domain from 20Hz to 20KHz, the total distorsions are below 1% and the signal/noise ratio is 80dB.
NE575 has a a high input sensitivity, the maximum input level is 1.5Vef. Thiscompander covers a frequency domain from 20Hz to 20KHz, the total distorsions are below 1% and the signal/noise ratio is 80dB.
Compander circuit schematic
This is a dynamic audio
compressor which outputs a constant audio level and can be used for FM
transmitters too. It uses a preamplifier with TDA 1054 produced by SGS-ATES.
IC1a is a preamplifier stage with a total gain of 50 (1 + R5/R4). IC1b is
connected as a amplifier stage with a 400x gain (1 + R11/R10).
The audio compressor power supply has 9V.
The audio compressor power supply has 9V.
Schematic of DIY Audio
Compressor Circuit
This mini audio compressor
circuit use only one active component T1. The audio signal goes thru C1, R1,
D1, C2, R3. Still a part of audio signal charge the D3/D4 detector and creates
a control voltage for T1.
The fading time depends on C4 and R5. With an audio input variation of 50dB, the output signal get is +-3dB. You can use this audio compressor circuit in a transmitter.
The fading time depends on C4 and R5. With an audio input variation of 50dB, the output signal get is +-3dB. You can use this audio compressor circuit in a transmitter.
Schematic of Audio Compressor Circuit
In many audio applications, regulating the audio signal to a constant level is very important. This is true specially for voice modulated radio transmissions. Voice regulation is also often applied in intercom devices or telephone systems. Such a voice level regulator need not be very expensive.
The circuit featured here combines simple design with inexpensive materials. This simple audio compressor uses a straightforward regulation technique to constantly control the amplitude of the output signal. In contrast to common feedback techniques where the output is used to regulate the input signal, the output signal of this circuit is being regulated by the input signal.
This technique simplifies the overall design of the circuit. Surprisingly, the transistor T2 works as the only active component in the circuit.
This compressor functions very well in intercom systems or in radio transceivers. It can also be used in PA systems or telephone devices such as automatic answering machine.
Printed Circuit Layout
link :

Daftar komponen:
R1 82k
R2 4m7
R3 470k
R4 2k4
R5 470k
R6 390k
R7 470k
R8 6k8
R9 220k
R10 100k
R11 1k5
R12 10k
C1 47n
C2 47n
C3 2n2
C4 4u7
C5 4u7
C6 4u7
C7 4u7
C8 2u2
C9 4u7
C10 47p
C11 680p
C12 10n
GAIN 10k
BIAS 10k
D1 1N4148
IC1 4558
J1 Jumper
J2 Jumper
J3 Jumper
Q1 2N5457
Q2 2N5457
Rangkaian yang lain :

Daftar komponen:
R1 82k
R2 4m7
R3 470k
R4 2k4
R5 470k
R6 390k
R7 470k
R8 6k8
R9 220k
R10 100k
R11 1k5
R12 10k
C1 47n
C2 47n
C3 2n2
C4 4u7
C5 4u7
C6 4u7
C7 4u7
C8 2u2
C9 4u7
C10 47p
C11 680p
C12 10n
GAIN 10k
BIAS 10k
D1 1N4148
IC1 4558
J1 Jumper
J2 Jumper
J3 Jumper
Q1 2N5457
Q2 2N5457
Rangkaian yang lain :